Thursday, April 25, 2019

The 12 Elements of a Merit Image

The 12 Elements of a Merit Image

The 12 Elements of a Merit Image:

  1. Impact: Compelling images evoke emotion—laughter, sadness, anger, pride.
  2. Technical Excellence: The quality of the actual image as presented for viewing. Aspects such as retouching, sharpness, printing, color, and exposure should be spot on.
  3. Creativity: The image is original, fresh, and an external expression of the maker’s imagination.
  4. Style: The subject matter meshes with the presentation. Style can also include the characteristic ways that an artist applies his or her specific lighting, posing, or compositional style to underscore the desired impact.
  5. Composition: The visual elements of an image come together to express intent, whether that’s to please the viewer or otherwise. The viewer’s attention is captured and directed where the artist plans it to be.
  6. Presentation: The way an image is showcased gives it a finished look. Everything in the presentation—mats, borders, color choices—should work to enhance the image.  
  7. Color Balance: Color work together to evoke feelings in the viewer. For example, it can bring harmony to an image and enhance the emotional appeal. It can also be incongruous to arouse diverse feelings.
  8. Center of Interest: This is where an image’s creator wants a viewer’s attention focused. There may be primary and secondary centers of interest. Sometimes all the elements in an image work together to create the center of interest.
  9. Lighting: The image demonstrates excellence in the use and control of light, whether natural or additive. Light informs dimensions and shape, sets tone and mood, and enhances the image.
  10. Subject Matter: The subject matter is central to the story being told, so the subject should sync with the story.
  11. Technique: The approaches used to create the image—lighting, posting, capture, presentation—work together to be effective.
  12. Storytelling: The image evokes the viewer's imagination. While the act of creating is a personal thing, so too is the act of viewing. Each image is a story, and the one it tells a viewer may be unique to that person.

A Mind Map of the 12 Elements on PPmag.comLisa Dillon, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, and Bryan Welsh, Cr. Photog., API, share a fresh perspective on PPA's International Photographic Competition. Specifically, they look at the "12 Elements of a Merit Image" in a new light. They write:

If you're new to image competition, it can feel like a game. It's possible you have only a passing familiarity with the 12 elements of a merit image. Yes, the list is displayed at every image competition and a short description of each element can be found on the PPA website. But do you really understand what they mean? Do you understand how they underpin one another and build upon one another?

Rather than looking at the elements as a checklist, Lisa and Bryan created a mind map (a diagram used to visually organize information) for a unique take on these elements and how to succeed in the IPC. Read their fascinating article, "A Fresh Look at the 12 Elements", at today! 

Watch these PPAedu videos, taught by Michael Timmons M.Photog.M.Artist.Hon.M.Photog.Cr., CPP, F-ASP, that explain the 12 Elements of a Merit Image in more detail:
This article originally appeared on Professional Photographer. Take a closer look at the 12 Elements of a Merit Image in this article

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